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Anesthesia Machines

Pole Mount Anesthesia Machines R620
R620 adds one sleek, compact post on the basis of R610 anesthesia machine, which allows you to transport whole unit at different sites easily and conveniently.Read More »

R520 Portable Anesthesia Machines
R520 places all your anesthesia equipment including vaporizer, flowmeter, induction chamber. transport whole unit at different sites easily and conveniently.Read More »

R540 Enhanced Anesthesia Machines
R540 incorporates more functions than R510 tabletop anesthesia machines.
transport whole unit at different sitesRead More »

R610 Table Top Anesthesia Machines
R610 provides rapid control of anesthetic depth with little resistance to respiration, includes non-rebreathing circuit (for less than 7kg animals) and cycled breathing circuit (for above 7kg animals) delivery system.Read More »

Multi-output Anesthesia Machines R550
The R550 Multi-output Anesthesia Machine is our most advanced system and offers highly efficient, precise gas flow that is easy to use. easy to use easy to use easy to use easy to use easy to useRead More »
Evacuation & Scavenging

Gas Evacuation Apparatus R546W
The gas evacuation apparatus (GEA) was designed to safely and actively remove waste gas associated with everyday inhalation anesthesia

Cone Masks
The cone masks can be installed onto 68630 operation bed for single cone mask (300*210*75mm) or 68657 manifold for five cone masks.

Cone Masks(Bowl Masks)
The Cone Masks can be installed onto one anesthesia operation platform (300*210*75mm) for delivery anesthetic gases to animal’s nose.

Stereotaxic Frame Nosecone Masks
This type of anesthetic masks, also called “active” masks, is specifically designed to fit most stereotaxic frame and deliver anesthetic gases with minimal researcher exposure during stereotaxic surgery in rats or mice.

Concentric Tubing Masks
The Concentric Tubing Masks for mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, cats and rabbits features flexible and non-metal constructures for randomly positioning animals and for use with other imaging equipment.
Complete Solutions

Multi-function Anesthesia Solutions (Cone Masks)
The system aims to provide one complete solution to both initial and lasting anesthesia of small rodents for the majority of procedures such as development of animal disease models (cerebral ischemia).

Combination Solutions of Ventilator to Anesthesia System
When working with animals suffering from some diseases like myocardial ischemia, cerebral ischemia, pulmonary ischemia, lung imaging, hypertension, cerebral infarction, thrombus and so on.

Traditional Anesthesia Solutions (Concentric Tubing Masks)
For this traditional solution, concentric tubing masks replacing cone masks allows the position of animals more flexible on the table and wide-field around the animal’s head, even though this solution has similar applications.

Stereotaxic Anesthesia Solutions (Nosecone Masks)
This solution is specially used for neuroscience research.