- Complete systems: providing in-vivo and in-vitro methodological background for research fields
- Data collecting and processing systems: specially designed for physiological research fields (cardiovascular, in-vitro isolated organ, neurology) to receivesignals from any measurement unit
- Amplifiers and stimulators: in addition to high amplification, low noise figure and high degree of stability
- Devices: parts of our complete systems, match the amplifiers and sensors of other manufacturers
- Laboratory equipments and accessories: sensors, glass technology, manipulators and other laboratory devices (e.g.: operating tables, holders, animal boxes, etc.).
Biological Research
Complete Systems
Complete research assemblies provide the entire range of in-vitro and in-vivo methodological background for pharmacology and physiology research areas.
- Isolated heart perfusion systems: for Langendorff examination of small mammal hearts with working heart option
- Isolated organ perfusion systems: for the examination of liver or kidney
- Isolated muscle tissue systems: for the examination of smooth or striated muscle tissues
- Isolated nerve tissue systems: for in-vitro neural research on brain slices or spinal cord tissues
- In-vivo cardiac systems
- In-vivo smooth muscle myography systems: for gastrointestinal and urogenital studies
- Combined behavior systems
- Zebrafish systems:for cardiac, behavior and cellular investigations
- Small vessel myograph systems
- Telemetry systems: for the investigation of smooth muscles and neural research
- Special systems: for specific examinations
- Isolated organ perfusion systems: for the examination of liver or kidney
- Isolated muscle tissue systems: for the examination of smooth or striated muscle tissues
Isolated Heart Perfusion Systems
Systems developed and distributed by our company provide a wide range for in-vitro heart examination. Our systems can be used for experiments on any laboratory animal without significant alterations. Devices developed by our company can be classified based on physical features:

Gravitation-controlled heart perfusion systems
The systems are manufactured in one- and two-buffer designs. The constant pressure necessary for the operation of the dissection (mouse, rat, guinea pig or rabbit heart) are provided by the liquid column located in the reservoir. The warmth of the system (0,1°C) is ensured by a high-flow rate transporting, 20 liters volume thermostat (CWB-02).

Pump-controlled heart perfusion systems
The systems are manufactured in one- and two-buffer designs. They require small space and the same device (pump) can be used for constant pressure and flow. The retrofication of certain components of the gravitational systems resulted in the reduced size of the pump-controlled systems, which increased the stability of liquid-flow, while reducing the consumption of the saline and the examined compound. Pump-controlled systems are easier to repair and clean

Compact pump-controlled heart perfusion system
The compact pump-controlled heart-perfusion system is a closed, integrated system, placed in a water-circulation self-thermostated fluid tank. The water bath solution completely isolates the system from the ambient temperature. Another advantage is the removable heart suspending unit, which provides the most optimal suspension solution for laboratory animal hearts. With the minimal space requirement, the system is suitable to perform constant pressure and flow, or Janicki-type working heart modes.
Modular tissue bath systems
The modular setup’s features
- Easy upgrade to 2, 4, 8 channels
- Replaceable tissue baths (5, 10, 20 ml calibrated volume)
- Special vertical tissue baths with small volume (1, 2 ml calibrated volume)
- Tissue holders with built in electrodes for point or field stimulation and with gas bubbler
- Holders for vessel ring with suitable size (from Ø0,8mm) for built in stimulating electrodes
- Gas chamber and gas flow controller
- One-plane self-adjusting manipulator with sensor clamp (300µm)
- Buffer reservoire with volume of 0,4 litre and 1,5 litre according to choice per channel
- Vibration free stand
- External thermostation (20 litre, 15 litre/min circulation speed, 0,1ºC accuracy
- Force/displacement sensors (SEN-03-3X from 10g up to 500g)
- Four channel bridge amplifier (EXP-SG-4).

- Buffer flow to the chambers
- Gas bubbling (Carbogen).
- Keeping the temperature stable

Main components
- Organ chamber
- Buffer reservoir
- Circulating water bath
- Carbogen cylinder
Recommended software/hardware for recording
For recording and analysis of measured parameters we offer the following software/hardware systems:
- LabChart (AD Instruments),
- AcqKnowledge (BIOPAC),
- LabScribe (iWorx).
Accessories required for operation
Isolated nerve tissue systems
Our in-vitro isolated nerve tissue systems support different methodologies:

In-vitro superfusion system (Release technique)
Examination and experimental influencing of neurotransmitter release is essential for studying information transfer between nerve cells and neural regulation of other organs.

In-vitro superfusion system (Wedge technique)
The dual-chamber in-vitro perfusion system was developed from the combination of two well-known techniques (wedge evoked potential measurement and neurotransmitter release).
The mounting frames of the different systems are the same so the tissue chambers of the chosen methodologies can be easily exchanged by each other. This solution allows the easy and quick expansion of the systems (if the customer requires) or in case of failure on any element the troubleshooting can be done simply. A major and important property of the systems is the thermal stability (0,1ºC), the possibility of collecting the extracted neurotransmitters and a reliable efficiency passage unit for radio-labelling.
Zebrafish systems
The zebra fish (Danio rerio) examination systems are supporting the methodological back-ground of the physiological, pharmacological and toxicological researches in the fields of cardiovascular function and group behavior, on the highest measurement technical and data processing level possible.

CardioFish system
It provides an opportunity to examine heart function of the adult zebra fish. The system can be effectively used to examine the effects and side-effects of candidate medicine molecules in pharmacology, safety pharmacology and toxicology.

PsychoFish system
Apart from the zebrfish’s intensively popular cardiovascular usage, this species can also be efficiently used for neural and psycho-physiological/pharmacological basic- and applied researches. Examination and experimental influencing of neurotransmitter release is essential for studying information transfer between nerve cells and neural regulation of other organs.

CellFish system
The workstation specially designed for the standard microelectrode technique was further developed for measurement of the summed voltage response (AP) of ion channels of the embryonic and adult zebrafish heart.